Interested in singing with us?
Join the Choir
ONE A-CHORD is always thrilled to accept new choir members! The foundation of our ministry is built on unity and worship, and we welcome anyone who desires to praise the Lord through song and forge lasting relationships with other members of the Body of Christ. All ages are welcome in our group.
As members of ONE A-CHORD, we are representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ and leaders in worship.
Therefore, we are compelled to maintain a standard of Godly living, above worldly standards. By participation, choir members agree to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, attend church, and live a lifestyle that models the teachings of Jesus and reflects Biblical principles.
There are no auditions and the ability to read music is not a requirement for joining ONE A-CHORD. We ask only that you prioritize attending rehearsals and concert preparation.
Members are required to memorize all music for performances and are provided with recordings of songs for personal rehearsal. We feel that holding and reading printed music inhibits us from worshipping freely. Memorization allows members to watch the director for cues and it fosters greater unity with regard to dynamics, expression, and timing. Learning the music also allows the messages of the songs to fill our spirits and seep into our hearts, enabling us to share the Gospel more effectively as we sing.
Rehearsals are held on Mondays from 7-9 p.m. at Calvary Church, Lancaster. The spring season runs from late February through June and the fall season runs from September through Christmas. We typically perform 8-10 concerts a year.
We ask our members to strive to limit their absences during the season. Your presence and your voice are so valuable to your section. During rehearsals, we learn notes, lyrics, timing, dynamics, diction, entrances, and cut-offs, as well as following the director, blending our voices, and listening to each other. The unity of the group is deeply enhanced by every member’s shared commitment to excellence, and as the name of the group suggests, the goal is to sing in one accord, not as individuals.
At rehearsals, we enjoy fellowship, as well as care for and pray for one another. Our shared purpose of worship unites our hearts in a rich and beautiful way. We desire to do all things – forming community, learning music, and leading worship – to the glory of God.
Current Needs
While ONE A-CHORD is always happy to welcome new members to our number, we are in particular need of bass singers. If you or someone you know is a bass, please consider joining ONE A-CHORD! Representation from every vocal part adds to the richness and power of our songs.